CPR Course

Categories: CPR
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About Course

CPR – or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest.

The American Heart Association invites you to share our vision: a world where no one dies from cardiac arrest. Every year, 475,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. Big number. Bigger opportunity. With your help, we can bring that number down to zero. Join us today, starting with this video: Learn more about the AHA’s vision of a world where no one dies of cardiac arrest.

What Will You Learn?

  • Builds Confidence
  • Demonstrates and Promotes Responsibility
  • Forges Leadership
  • Looks Great on a Résumé

Course Content

Introduction to CPR
Introduction and all process about CPR

Adult CPR

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